Important - Covid 19 Update

To all of our customers,
We want to take this time to firstly thank you for for the continued support you have shown is in recent weeks.
We also thought that given the current situation, we should provide you with a business update.
As a business, it is business as usual for the foreseeable future. We are in a strong position currently, and hopefully if we can continue to work together and with others, this can continue.
We have taken precautions within our business to ensure that our staff are kept as safe as possible.
-Hygiene has been increased across all of our sites
-Our work environments are cleaned daily if not more frequently with antibacterial cleaners
-Where possible, staff are working from home
We are aware that the situation is changing daily, and we will continue to monitor it and make any changes necessary to ensure the safety of our staff, whilst keeping up with customers demand until we are forced to do otherwise.
if you have any questions about how this situation may affect you, please call the office or your Account Manager.
Thank you
Team Bonningtons