Bonningtons Reveals New Brand Identity - PRESS RELEASE

Bonningtons have re-launched their business under a new brand identity that aims to drive their core values of INTEGRITY QUALITY TRUST through the whole operation. Ian Fisher, owner and MD chose to unveil the new identity and strategic plans to the entire workforce at their annual conference last week. Every member of staff was invited to take part in the event which saw presentations from business development consultant Jane Lawler and strategic design partner, Andrew McQueen who explained how the new plans will be rolled out.
Bonningtons have made huge investments in logistics and warehousing as well as finance and systems to enable then to move the operation onto a new platform, the foundations of which are the three core values of Integrity, quality and trust. The staff learnt how the values will be incorporated into the systems and daily running of the business as well as hearing about future development plans which will see the buying, quality and sales teams further extended to meet customer demand and deliver on the values.
Consistent with the Integrity theme which states how Bonningtons will strive to do the right thing for their customers and employees, Fisher then treated his entire team to an evening of entertainment and awards which saw several winning cash prizes and trophies for long service, business improvement, tenacity and innovation.
Fisher said “I’ve built this business only with the support of an amazing group of people who I like to think of as my ‘dream team’. Together, they’ve driven the growth and development of Bonningtons and I’m immensely proud of them.”
Bonningtons will be unveiling the new business identity in full at GLEE and explaining how the three core values are woven through their business development plans.
Ian added “make sure you drop in to one of our three stands at GLEE and find out how we can help you to build your business in 2017”
Bonningtons, one of the UK’s fastest growing SMEs will be at SPOGA GAFA 4 – 6 September 2016, GLEE 12 – 14 September 2016, Harrogate Christmas & Gift Fair, 8 – 11 January 2017 and Spring Fair, 5 – 9 February 2017.